Plumbers in Missoula help locals in a flood

Rainy Season Had Locals Flooding Plumbers in Missoula with Service Calls

See Garden City’s Missoula Plumbing post to get valuable information and professional help with your plumbing projects!

When it rains, it pours! After experiencing extreme drought conditions across Montana in 2017, this past spring ended up being a very rainy season. The rain was, of course, good for crops after such a drought.  Unfortunately, due to the severe dryness, the land became inundated with water and caused serious flooding across the state. Now it’s up to plumbers in Missoula to help fix the damage!

Plumbers in Missoula help locals in a flood
Plumbers in Missoula help locals in a flood

Flooding Problems: Call Plumbers in Missoula for Help

What a tough year it’s been so far! The early 2018 drought was followed by pouring rains which resulted in serious flooding across the state of Montana. Residents started assessing their homes and businesses for flood damage around the 6th of June once evacuation orders started being lifted. Citizens were urged to fill out a flood damage report and have their properties inspected by a professional before they got clearance to return. The most recent flood damage report is still in the works, but here’s a look at what Garden City Plumbers can do to help repair your home or business after flood damage.

Start Repairing Flood Damage in Missoula

  1. Get Safe Water – Clean running water is a high priority after flooding. If your water is brown, tinted, or has an odor, get a plumber ASAP. Plumbers in Missoula can determine if your pipes, filters, and other plumbing mechanisms were damaged in the flood, or if you’re in need of a new water filtration system.
  2. Clean Drains- Clogged drains are a common issue after flooding. Luckily, it is usually inexpensive to take care of. Garden City’s new Drain Cleaning Service takes care of non sewer related clogged sink and toilet drains.
  3. Fixed Pipes- Whether you had leaky pipes before or after a flood, get them fixed. What might seem like a harmless drip on the outside can be a big problem behind the walls underneath your floorboards.
  4. Working Toilets- If there’s flooding, it’s likely you’ll be unable to flush your toilet until the plumbing system is back to functioning normally. This could mean cleaning out clogs or fixing broken pipes.
  5. Sump Pump Restoration- After a flood, there’s usually an accumulation of water in your water-collecting basin, which causes back ups.  Our plumbers in Missoula will get it drained and restored fast.

General Flooding Problems According to Plumbers in Missoula

According to the facts on, just one inch of water in a home can be cause of $25,000 in damages. Here’s an idea of what those common flood damages are.  

  • Personal property damage and business expenses – For homeowners and business owners, major flooding often results in exterior and interior property damage like broken and clogged pipes. Because of flood damage, septic tanks and well water can either shut down or cross making contaminated drinking water. This makes public health a major concern.
  • Local community problems from flooding – On a larger scale, flood damage affects more than just individual properties. It can damage roads by creating potholes and sinkholes. It can scatter debris like trees, dirt, sand, rocks, and even cars across town. Downed power lines often results in power outages across the board. If roads are unsafe to access, emergency response repairs could be delayed leaving citizens without electricity for a longer period of time.
Plumbers in Missoula fix flood damage in the community
Plumbers in Missoula fix flood damage in the community

Plumbers in Missoula Respond to Flooding

Reports of minor flooding first came in on April 30th. In the beginning of May 2017, Missoula’s rivers and streams overflowed all across Missoula due to above-average snowpack and precipitation. By May 12th, parts of Missoula County were declared natural disaster zones by the government. Flood conditions were reported well into the month of June with the Clark Fork River at 13.82 feet, the second-highest on record for Missoula according to the county’s 2018 Floods Fact Sheet.

Plumbers in Missoula participated in a community wide effort to get homes and businesses across the county back to safe and liveable conditions. Aside from damages to personal and commercial properties, the public faced hazards from downed power lines and trees, floating toxins, waste, and debris in flood water, and closed roads.

NBC Montana reported that building inspectors and floodplain administrators assessed exterior structure damage before evacuation orders could be lifted. Homes were tagged with red, yellow and green permits to identify the level of damage. Green for go meaning the residence is safe, and power and water can be turned on. Yellow for proceed with caution meaning the residence is safe to enter but only in a limited capacity due to water in a crawlspace or first floor living areas. Many homes got tagged yellow. A yellow placard also meant that a full  interior home inspection was necessary. A red placard for stop meaning the residence is unsafe to enter or occupy.

As for assessing plumbing damage, residents and business owners were advised to seek professional help if they notice drain overflow, debris clogs, poor water quality, no water, bad smells, damp drywall, or bubbling and whistling noises.

Let Plumbers in Missoula fix your broken pipes
Let Plumbers in Missoula fix your broken pipes

Prepare for Next Year: Expert Advice from Plumbers in Missoula

Take it from the experts that a little preparation can go a long way. Let our plumbers in Missoula advise you on ways to prepare for next year’s rainy season.

Get Flood Insurance to Protect Your Properties in Missoula

For starters, get in on the National Flood Insurance Program if you haven’t already. Renters and homeowners insurance don’t have policies that cover flood damage. Having flood insurance gives you financial protection for damages regardless of whether or not the flood was declared a National Disaster.

Make a Flood Plan and Emergency Kit

Next, prepare an emergency kit with some essentials. Create a flood plan with those who share your property. This plan should include an evacuation route and a task checklist when preparing for a flood. Make sure you remember to store all valuables upstairs, shut and lock all windows and doors, turn off electricity, gas, and water, and prepare the exterior.

Guard Your Property with Sandbags

When a flood is on the horizon, stock up on sandbags and place them appropriately to divert the flow of water around your property. Missoula County offers a limited number of free, unfilled sandbags during the time of need. Inform yourself on sandbagging techniques to best protect your property from flood damage.

Relocate Vehicles and Machines

Before evacuating, try to clear the exterior of your property that could become hazardous debris in flood waters. For example, move cars and lawn mowers to higher ground. Be sure to turn off the water, gas, and electricity to your property.

Arm Yourselves with Information

Most importantly, keep informed of water levels, participation, flood warnings, and evacuation notices. Let your neighbors know what you know, especially the elderly or those with special needs. Make sure you have a way of getting information updates during and after a serious flood.

Follow Advice from Plumbers in Missoula and prepare for a flood
Follow Advice from Plumbers in Missoula and prepare for a flood

Plumbers in Missoula are Here to Help!

Perhaps your home seemed to be functioning as normal at first after a flood, but some days or weeks later, a pipe bursts, or you’ve discovered your pipes are clogged with debris. Plumbers in Missoula are ready to help no matter the hour with Garden City Plumbers 24/7 Emergency Repair Service. Get an expert out there right away so you can address the water damage and get your property back in working order after a flood!