Bluetooth Shower Heads

Bluetooth Shower Heads in Missoula Homes

Bluetooth Shower Heads are another plumbing trend we are seeing in Missoula.  

Our article: Top 10 Trends in Missoula Plumbing covers this and other topics.  Make sure to read it if you haven’t already.

Do you already know you are interested in Bluetooth Shower Head for your Missoula property? … let’s check them out!

What are Bluetooth Shower Heads?

A Bluetooth Shower Head includes a bluetooth enabled speaker.  Period.  With this, you can connect a mobile device to the shower head and listen to music.  It’s that simple.

Benefits of Bluetooth Shower Head for Missoula Residents

Perhaps more than any other item in our list of top plumbing technologies for Missoula, bluetooth shower heads are simply a luxury item.  They offer no other practical functionality other than allowing you to listen to music while you shower.  

I suppose one benefit is the “cool factor” when you have house guests!  I mean, who is cooler than those family members from Missoula that have the music in the shower? … am I right?

Are You Interested in Installing a Bluetooth Shower Head in Missoula?

We can help!   Contact Us  to talk to one of our plumbing experts.  We’ll be happy to run down pricing and options with you to see if a Bluetooth Shower Head is right for your home and your family.


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