Leak Detectors – A Plumbing Trend in Missoula

Leak Detectors are a great addition to our Top 10 Trends in Missoula Plumbing.  If you haven’t read the article to see what the other 9 are, I encourage you to read it before continuing on.  Do you already know you are interested in leak detectors for your Missoula property? … let’s check them out!

What are Leak Detectors?

Much like smoke detectors, leak detectors alert you when there is a water leak in your house. These detectors are manually placed in places where a leak is likely to occur and alert you if a leak does occur.  These can be placed in walls (with an access panel to be able to get to it).  

Benefits of a Leak Detectors for Missoula Residents

Leak Detectors Provide Protection from Disaster

Avoid damage caused by flooding! If you are concerned that a pipe might leak or break in your Missoula property and you  want to prevent as much damage as possible, a leak detection system is a great choice.

Leak Detectors Saves Money

Over time, the expense of water lost from a leaky pipe can add up. In order to avoid such costs, Missoula residents can to catch leaks as soon as they happen.

Leak Detectors Provide Peace of Mind 

Many Missoula residents go on vacation or go south for the winter.  A leak detector can signal your phone if there is a problem!  Many Missoula residents absolutely love this benefit of leak detectors!

Are You Interested in Installing Leak Detectors in Missoula?

We can help!   Contact Us  to talk to one of our plumbing experts.  We’ll be happy to run down pricing and options with you to see if Leak Detectors are right for your home and your family.