Photo of Garden City, Montana Plumbing and Heating repair truck

6 Common HVAC Problems During Winter

It’s not a question of IF…but when.  When will something go wrong and need to be repaired?  The answer is usually: when it is being used the most.  For your home’s HVAC system, this will often be in the middle of Winter.  Let’s take a look at a few of the common issues that Missoula HVAC contractors get called out for in the dead of winter. 

1.      Emergency Burst Pipe Repair By Missoula HVAC Contractors

We have all heard the stories.  Somebody returns home after their mid-winter vacation to find a flooded garage and thousands of dollars worth of damage.  Burst pipes can happen under your home (in a basement or crawlspace), among the pipes in the walls of your home, or even in the pipes under your yard.  The best way to handle a burst pipe is prevention.  If you think you have a burst pipe in your Missoula home, call Garden City Plumbing and Heating ASAP!

2.     Heater Blowing Cold Air in My Missoula Home

It can be such a sinking feeling to reach your hand out over the heater vent and feel cool air blowing out of it.  This could have a simple cause, like a dead thermostat battery.  Some causes could have potentially dangerous results, such as an extinguished pilot light.  If your pilot light is out, gas can collect in your home and with any small spark, your entire home could catch on fire.  Be sure to determine the root of this issue immediately.  And if you are having trouble finding the problem on your own, call out a Missoula HVAC contractor to ensure your home is safe. 

3.     Noisy Heaters Made Quiet in Montana Homes

If your heater is making loud noises, the type of noise can indicate what the problem is.  You may feel like you are pulling a page out of a comic book when you call your local Missoula HVAC Contractor, but the information you provide will help to determine the next steps.  It will also be important to note what type of heat you have and its power source. For example, a gas-fueled furnace that is making a loud bang sound upon ignition can indicate a build-up of fuel inside the unit.  This can end up leaking gas into your home, causing a fire hazard in your home.  On another note, loud banging sounds in a boiler can indicate the water being overheated.  A simple reboot of the system to let the water cool can be all it takes to correct loud banging sounds in a boiler.   

4.     Uneven Heating Issues Fixed by Missoula HVAC Contractors

Uneven Heating is often a problem within the auxiliary part of the heating system.  This means that it is often not the heater itself but rather in the ductwork or insulation.  If you have a boiler system, a variety of issues in the piping could be your culprit.  While this may seem like a tolerable issue, you could be wasting hundreds of dollars on a regular basis in excess heating costs.  Contact Garden City Plumbing and Heating to schedule an appointment to streamline your system!

5.      Make My Cold Missoula Home Warm Again

There is a long list of potential problems causing your home to be cold.  Possibilities range from insulation to ductwork issues, to a broken heater, to an undersized heater, and so on.  It might seem obvious, but ensure your windows and doors are closed.  Check the circuit breaker box if your heat is electric powered.  Check the obvious things first before moving on to bigger, deeper issues.  If a flip of a switch fixes your heater, you can have a warm, comfortable home that much sooner.  If you have checked what you can and are starting to think the problem is beyond your awareness, call Garden City Plumbing and Heating – the contractor you can trust. 

6.      Fix Short Cycling in My Montana Home

There are a number of simple causes and a number of larger, more scary causes for short cycling.  If your heater is kicking on several times within an hour, you are going to want to take action.  The longer your heater continues to short cycle, the more damage will be done to your unit.  It does not take very long at all before your unit is damaged to the point that you will need to replace it.  Do not let short cycling drag on for days and days before you deal with it. 

We Can Fix Common Winter HVAC Problems in Your Home

Winter in the Northwest can be hard on an HVAC system.  Be sure to handle all of your Winter Heating issues before they grow!  The last thing you want is a cold home in the middle of January in Montana.  Call Garden City Plumbing and Heating or contact us online to schedule a repair or inspection today!